lauantai 30. tammikuuta 2016


I moved to my new family this Friday. It didn't feel like it'd actually happen until this morning on Saturday. I was like "Shoot I actually changed families" once I woke up. I was with my first host family for almost 6 months, like 5,5 months! For a Rotary exchange student that's wuite a lot, especially as to I will have a third family.

Baker Road was my home

If someone doesn't know about the Rotary policy, I will explain it shortly. Every Rotary exchange students has (there are exceptions of course) 2-4 host families through out their exchange year, that way an exchange student meets more people, sees culture more widely and probably visits more places. I bet that a lot of people think it's just stupid but, being honest we just get more out of ourear, since we're gonna have like 3 families on this side of the world!

I'm gonna miss George wicked much!

I had suchs a gerat time with the Sadlers, they thought me the American way of evertyhing, gave undertanding and love. It was amazing how well it fitted in the family! I had great siblings, who teased me like their own biological siblings haha! And they showed me a lot of places, like we went
to Canada, Washington DC, New York etc

Here are mom, dad, me and George!
I got so many good memories with them, and I'm happy that I'll always be able to go back and still call it my home. How I love the Sadlers!

I came to the States with the big red suitcase and one small black carry in suitcase, and now 6 months later I have like 5 times more stuff! (Mama don't faint!)

This was just a brief update on how I feel about changing families, as I personally feel like it's a huge deal haha! My new family seems to me awesome too, waiting for getting to know them better!

Sadlers made this for me, the sweetest thing ever!

Maija xx

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