perjantai 10. kesäkuuta 2016


Dear Marcellus friends,

As we all know, school ended for the MCS kids on Friday the 10th. I was so waiting for that day, counting down the days; no one likes school, right?

I feel like I didn't appreciate going to school enough. It became part of the daily routine, I went there sat in classes and wished the bell to ring at 2:21 to tell that the school day is over. Yes, I do that in Finland and I did it here. School is school no matter where you go. Though, I never hated school but the idea of sitting in classes for 6-8 hours per day is AWFUL!

Long story short, I miss school now and I will miss it next week and in a year. From this year's plain and not really exciting schedule I will change into an exciting monthly and daily rotating schedule that contains a lot of surprises. I'll miss that basicness too

Next year I can't go to my first period class being really kranky from being an anti-morning person, and being half asleep for the first 49 minutes of the school day.
I won't be having a studyhall every other day, just to interrupt my friend while she's doing her homework.

I won't be having chemistry that started out super easy, but as we got to the Redox unit my mid 90s average dropped to 80-something; yes I was shocked because of the radical change. I won't be pretending to laugh at our chemistry teacher's dumb science jokes.

I won't have lunch with the girls who later on became some of my best friends I've ever had. For the girl who I sat next to on my first day, thank you for talking to me on my first day during lunch, and for taking me part of your friend group.

I won't be going to my favorite class, to my favorite teacher's studyhall every day. Some days, his studyhall was the highlight of my day. I probably wouldn't have some of the friends I have now if I wasn't in this studyhall. I had so much fun.

I won't be going to US History class next year as happy as I am about it, I won't be reading out loud the most weirdest English words from the Review Book questions or struggling to know what the Whiskey Rebellion or checks and balances are. I don't know if I am ever gonna need to know any of the stuff that we learned in that class, but let's say that it was 'just for the experience'.

I won't be going to Pre-calculus just to chill out and pretend I like math, neither to Health class with little and immature sophomores.

I won't have Gym and Chorus every other days, having the 'easy and fun' classes in the end of the day. Playing tennis with the girls was so so much fun and what can I say about chorus... Chorus is so frustrating and so fun at the same time.

I am super happy that I did Cross Country! Thank you for the team for adopting me as your foreign kid, thank you for helping me with everything and for cheering for me. I never did running before, so starting XC in the middle of the season probably wasn't the smartes idea, but I improved some and always tried to do my best. It was a great experience over all.

Indoor track was more for socializing and for having something to do after school, it was fun but not really helpful for my physical character. The All School Show was a ton of fun, even if the rehearsals up until the Hell Week were deadly boring.

Outdoor track was okay, but I got some good memories out of it. The injury part wasn't too much fun though, but I have time to figure out what is wrong with my ankles when I go back to Finland.

If I didn't talk to you a lot, I'm sorry for it. I am really shy, and afraid of awkward situations but really trying to overcome it. Probably you had a bigger impact in my life than you thought you did. I hope you'll remember me as a nice person, if that sounds fair.

I can't thank enough all of my friends who had the courage and interest to try to be a friend with a foreign kid: it is not easy to understand a person who speaks broken English, comes from a different culture and ethnic background, and is super shy. My year would've been a miserable one if I didn't have all of you. Thank you for wanting to hang out with me, and for having my back all the time. Maybe we'll stay as friends, maybe not; as I've learned in my short life: nothing lasts forever.

I will miss it so much that next year everyone will know how to pronounce my name and how to spell it, that no one will pronounce the letter J in my name in the American way ( or Spanish), and that I will be just another Maija in the sea of other basic names. I won't get any compliments on my butt or my makeup skills, as they are just basic things in Finland.

Almost all of my friends will have next year in Marcellus. In the place where almost all of you wants to get out of; you don't appreciate it until you lose it. Maybe the four years of high school won't mean as much as a year as an exchange student, maybe the four years of high school mean more than a year as an exchange student; the beauty is that I don't know, neither do you.

I wish I could stay for the senior year, and to be honest, I'll be darn jealous for the other exchange student next year -  but mostly I am happy for you, don't worry. Coming into Marcellus wasn't the easiest thing, but hey it's over so I could say that I did it.

I wish I had more time, I feel like I didn't get the most out of my year here. Well, right now it is too late to regret anything. As there's a saying "You only regret the chances you didn't take.", I think it is really true. But for taking all the chances you need to be super open and have a lot of courage. I still have a long way to go as far as it come to me being open and social; I am learning.

If it all goes well I'll be coming back to Marcellus next June. I wanna see all of you guys graduate and to be able to see my friends. It is a long time ahead, but as I've become to notice, time flies faster than you know.

Maija xx

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